Articles can be submitted by September 20, 2024.

  • Articles must be prepared according to the requirements (link in Russian).
  • Sign up on the website and log into your personal page (link in Russian), including via ITMO.ID (link in Russian)
  • Upload and submit your article for the plagiarism check. Please make sure to submit the final copy of your article, as this is the same copy that will be published. The threshold for originality is 70%. You can attempt to pass the plagiarism check twice.
  • Following a SUCCESSFUL check, the status of your application will change to “Статья прошла проверку на оригинальность” (“Plagiarism check passed”). Then, you will need to UPLOAD a set of documents:
    • a full scanned copy of the article with signatures of the author and research supervisor (format: *.pdf / *.jpeg). Signatures must not be on a separate page! Signatures must be located at the bottom of the final page or near the corresponding names at the start of the text.
    • a file of the signed/approved expert review (ER) (format: *.pdf / *.jpeg). Instructions (in Russian)
    • a blank expert review form for third-party reviewers. Download here
    ITMO students must submit expert reviews via ISU
    Participants from universities in International countries (not the Russian Federation) do not need to provide an expert reviews.
  • If the article DOES NOT PASS the plagiarism check, the status of the application will change to “Статья не прошла проверку на оригинальность” (“Plagiarism check failed”) and you will be given a SECOND (FINAL) attempt to pass. Following a second rejection caused by failure to meet the plagiarism threshold, your materials will not be accepted for publication in the compendium.
  • After the full set of documents is uploaded, submitted, and VERIFIED, the status of the application will change to “В процессе” (“Pending”)
  • Once the organizing committee has checked the contents of the application, its status will change to “Статья принята к рецензированию” (“Article accepted for review”). In this case, you must await the expert review and, following a successful review, the status of the application will change to “Статья принята к публикации” (“Article accepted for publication”)

In order for your article to be published, you must provide two copies of the original signed agreement on the alienation of rights to a text and one copy of the consent form to processing of personal data from each co-author. These documents can be submitted by October 15, 2024 regardless of the status of the application. Download the consent form here;, download the agreement form here (documents in Russian).

Instructions (in Russian) on the drafting of the agreement and consent form to processing of personal data (for the publication of materials following the results of conferences/contests)

It is forbidden to submit the same application twice!


  • Application submitted for assessment (Заявка принята к рассмотрению) - the application has been filled out in full and is currently under consideration
  • Application requires amendment (Заявка требует правок) - the application has been filled out incorrectly or not in full, documents don’t correspond to requirements (for more information, see the comment section of the application)
  • Application admitted for participation in the conference (Заявка принята к участию в конференции) - the application has been included in the conference program (if an official invitation is needed, please write to
  • Application rejected (Заявка отклонена) - the application has not been accepted by the conference


  • Article under review (Статья на рассмотрении) - assigned after the article has been submitted for a plagiarism check.
  • Pending (В процессе) - assigned after the article has been submitted for a plagiarism check and the additional set of documents has been uploaded.
  • Plagiarism check failed (Статья не прошла проверку на оригинальность) - assigned if the text has been assessed for plagiarism and failed to meet the 70% threshold value
  • Plagiarism check passed (Статья прошла проверку на оригинальность) - assigned if the text has been assessed for plagiarism, met the 70% threshold value, and corresponds to the requirements for formatting of articles.
  • Article doesn’t meet requirements (Статья не соответствует требованиям) - assigned if the uploaded document doesn’t meet the stated requirements.
  • Article rejected due to incomplete set of documents (Статья отклонена, так как неполный комплект документов) - assigned if the full set of documents has not been uploaded.
  • Article accepted for review (Статья принята к рецензированию) - assigned following a successful assessment of submitted materials by the organizing committee.
  • Article accepted for publication (Статья принята к публикации) - assigned after the reviewers have successfully examined the materials of the compendium; this status signifies that the article will be published in the compendium.